January 01, 2022

Home Office Tips We Learned In 2021

Home Office Safety Tips

There’s no question that the past two years have upended the way so many of us have traditionally worked.


Working from home/ hybrid work schedule is here to stay and these are the tips we have learned thus far!


1.     Dedicated space – This one is a must for keeping distractions at a minimum.  If a separate room isn’t an option, consider using a room divider and a Do Not Disturb sign to cut back on interruptions.


2.     Reliable internet connection- This one is huge! You do not want to waste valuable time waiting on your computer to load every time you pull up a document or visit a website. Consider going to a library or coffee shop with free WIFI. This will also cut down on the distractions from your to- do list at home.


3.     Great lighting- Bad lighting can cause eye fatigue and leave you feeling groggy. If possible, try to find a space with natural lighting, but the most important thing is to have enough of it! This decreases the strain you put on those peepers.


4.     Wear pants with buttons (and hide your snacks!!) It is so easy to let your appearance fall by the wayside but feeling confident and proud of yourself has so much to do with happiness, thus increases productivity. Hide the snacks, or even better, buy only healthy ones!



5.     Find the time that is most productive for YOU- We all have a time when we really hit our stride and can easily fall into a flow state. If 9-5 doesn’t do that for you, but 12- 8 does, go with that! Some of us might find that breaking up our working hours works for us. That’s okay, too!


6.     Take a walk outside a few times a day- Try to take a movement break every hour to reduce lethargy and the damaging effects sitting all day has on your body and mind. Taking your breaks outside is the most beneficial. We need that fresh air and vitamin- C!


Most of our customers as of late have been using their flex room for a home office. It’s the perfect space for productivity and privacy. Using a spare bedroom works just as well and has the bonus of a closet for added storage space!


Here are a few articles we found that have been beneficial for our at- home working journey!





